
Nombre De Voitures Dans Le Monde

Le Château de Versailles

Place d'Armes, 78000 Versailles, France

Fountain in the Garden of Versailles, France

historic period fotostock


Without a doubt Versailles is the most luxurious palace in Europe, built to astound visitors and impress the male monarch'south subjects into awed submission with crystal chandeliers, gilt, and fine art. This opulent monument is likewise attractive to those with simpler tastes: Visitors with greenish thumbs will dear the male monarch'southward kitchen gardens while others may want to hire bicycles to pedal the lavish grounds, and beast lovers volition enjoy the sheep, goats, and chickens receiving the royal treatment at the queen's quaint hamlet. La Petite Venise, an excellent eating place on the grounds, offers garden seating on sunny days.

Palace of Versailles

Louis XIV, the Sunday King, transformed his father's hunting club into the over-the-top palace that became emblematic of his reign. The 809-hectare (2,000-acre) park, designed past André Le Nôtre, took 40 years to consummate. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Versailles lures some 10 one thousand thousand visitors each year. Highlights include the Hall of Mirrors and the Petit Trianon, a pocket-size château custom-made for Marie Antoinette.

Behind Palace Gates in Versailles

Hop on the Marie Antoinette-themed railroad train – complete with bright, floral walls – from the Paris Metro into Versailles to visit the Queen'south meticulously preserved palace. It's a scrap of a walk from the train station to the cobblestones fronting the grounds, only once you get in, in that location are enough details in any room to keep you lot firmly planted in 1 place for minutes on end. Learn of the Austrian princess's ascension into the function as Queen of France, her marriage to Louis XVI, and their extravagant tastes as you follow a tour through living spaces that make the term "ornate" feel like an understatement. You'll laissez passer under painted ceilings lined with chandeliers, dining halls fit for dozens, and bedrooms with golden sheens. The dropped-jaw crowds may continue you at a shuffled step, and so much and so that the stunning size of the rooms may however feel stuffy. Pause costless in the gardens, where perfect landscaping and the soft ramble of stones underfoot volition restore your senses.

Chateau Du Versailles: Skip The Line And Enjoy Your Day

Paris definitely is our favourite city in Europe (after London, of course). And a visit to Paris is incomplete without a trip to the purple Chateau de Versailles. It was only on our 4th trip to Paris that we finally got to experience the Palace of Versailles. The first 3 times, nosotros had failed to visit because of long queues to make it. The best part of the Skip the line tour with Easy Paris Laissez passer was the perfect residue between guidance and autonomy, and the fact that nosotros did non take to queue to become into the palace. Instead, we spent the morning meandering through the cute alleys of Versailles whilst experiencing the local farmers' market and tasting French wine in a local winery - Enchanting. A leisurely walk around the impeccably maintained gardens gave us the opportunity to learn more about the history of the palace and the unfolding of the events of the French Revolution. The vivid clarification of the revolution past our guide fabricated the palace come to life. We followed this with a picnic past the canal – scrumptious paw-crafted baguettes and French pastries. Ready to explore the Chateau from the inside, we were led into the palace in minutes, surpassing the serpentine. In one case inside, we were given audio guides, and complete autonomy by the guide to explore the rooms of the palace at our ain stride. The cost of the tour includes the return train fare from Pairs, wine tasting session, entry to the palace, and the delicious dejeuner. Change intimidating to hassle complimentary!

Palace of Versailles

It doesn't take much to convince someone why Versailles is a must run across. Originally built by Louis Xiv in the 17th century, it was the royal seat of the Bourbon dynasty until the French Revolution overthrew the monarchy nearly a century subsequently. A testament to absolutism and extravagance, Versailles epitomized the Lord's day Male monarch'southward reign and transpired into every other European monarch emulating his feat with a palace of their own. Just 12 miles southwest of Paris, Versailles tin can hands be visited by Metro as parking can quickly fill up earlier ix:00 a.grand. in the summer fourth dimension. A general adult admission is piddling more than xv Euros, with guided tours, audios, and additional buildings on the grounds available for additional fees. Much of the palace is bicycle chair attainable, the vast gardens are open for walking, and restaurants and a cafeteria are located within the palace. Anticipate long lines at the archway, then spend a minimum 2-3 hours touring this World Heritage Site.

Gate of Versailles

Probably the most opulent gate in France, this is a small piece of the gate in front of the Chateau de Versailles. The chateau itself is corrupt and filled to the skirt with tourists merely the gardens are spacious with ample room to hibernate and relax.

A Backstage Visit to Versailles

Visit Versailles with i of our guides and later the standard tour circuit, yous'll also go to run into apartments and rooms usually airtight to the public — the apartments of Madame de Tourvel, a gallery located above the Hall of Mirrors. It's a fascinating deeper expect at the famous palace. The Prestige Visits are opportunities for rare and precious experiences offering a special perspective on the Palace of Versailles and its many rooms and halls steeped in memories. Lasting an 60 minutes and a one-half, they can be customized to adapt your wishes and they are led by a qualified guide. They take place outside the circuits open for unguided visits during the normal hours when the Palace is open to the public.

The Palace

The Palace of Versailles was the official residence of the Kings of France from 1682 until 1790.

Palace Gardens

View from the backyard..

Hall of Mirrors

The Hall of Mirrors is the biggest room in the Palace of Versailles. Information technology owes its name to the 17 mirror arches facing 17 windows overlooking the Park.

Hall of Mirrors (Palace of Versailles)

The famous Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles was build during the time of Male monarch Louis XIV, the Dominicus Male monarch. The lavish decoration totally reflected the characteristics of Louis XIV.

Golden Trail

Surrounded by signs of early Autumn while enjoying a nice walk leading up to the Chateau de Versailles in French republic.


Wow! The palace is conspicuously fit for a king. The mirrored room is fabulous, with the gilt all around. The gardens outside were the best nonetheless, with a courtyard, swimming, endless areas to picnic. Hoards of people everywhere. I wish I could blink back to the days before the French revolution just to meet the true snapshot.

Old vs. New at Versailles

When visiting Versailles, Louis XIV'due south famed chateau outside Paris, we noticed the outside was being redone. Note the abrupt line on the Mansard roof exhibiting the segmentation and stark contrast between sometime and new-- wouldn't Louis be proud? Even the balcony had been sandblasted!

Gardens Fit for a Queen

The gardens at Versailles outside Paris appear so perfect, they couldn't be real! Created by and for fairies, or perhaps a child's dollhouse, these captured our imagination with their fanciful designs and patterns. I wonder if Le Petit Dauphin, or boy king, Louis de France, played in these gardens, and what he thought most being surrounded by such grandeur...

A solar day in Versailles...

My day trip to Versailles was lovely, yet frustrating. It started off really well - warm, cute blue skies, albeit a little windy - but then there were fiddling spurts of pelting, which turned into overcast skies, libation temperatures and then a lot of rain. In the center of all of this, while wandering the enchanted gardens of the palace, I got lost (several times), which is not bully given the plough in the atmospheric condition and the dorsum pain that shot support as a result of a poor footwear choice. I stumbled upon this "piddling" house one of the outset few times I got lost between the Grand Trianon and the Petit Trianon (yes, normally it's a directly road, but y'all can detour to a bunch of interesting little stops - I'one thousand clearly non good with maps). I rested near the gate, when I came upon someone else who as well got a fiddling lost. He kindly pointed me in the right direction and after a little interruption, I was off (to get lost) again.

Wandering around the gardens at Versailles

While wandering/getting lost in the gardens at the palace at Versailles, I was struck by how lovely, enchanting, and even a piffling mischievous - even on a common cold, rainy and wet day - the grounds are.


Gilt in golden a visit to Versailles is nothing short of magnificent. The two day passport is the way to get and be sure to visit during a water show.

Beauty Incarnate

Grandeur and elegance unite at the Palace of Versailles. Mythological ghosts from centuries past line the corridors where details of architectural splendor are inescapable. Versailles, equally magnificent every bit ever, remains a decadent window into the by.

The good and bad about Versailles!

No one tin deny that the Chateau de Versailles is a must get to anyone visiting Paris, merely at what cost? Tickets to exist bought in accelerate, very long queues, super-crowded rooms..... It is an extremely tiring feel and often not that enjoyable but nonetheless, as long as you lot are prepared to it, it'southward totally worth it!

Versailles . . .

It is so hard to capture Versaille in words . . . y'all just take to go visit and know in advance that information technology will take all day long. There is the principal palace called Versailles, so there is Marie Antoinette'south palaces, Trianon and Petit Trianon. And then there is the village that they congenital for Marie Antoinette so that she could empathize how the every twenty-four hour period mutual French person lived during that time flow. And the gardens are just but immense! But if yous practice not accept all 24-hour interval, tour the Hall of Mirrors, see the King's sleeping room and see if y'all can take the bout that volition permit yous to see the internal theater where the King watched plays.

From the palace to the smoking canis familiaris...

Tobacco and dogs in restaurants--what could be more Gallic? A few blocks away from the gilded history of the château, this street-corner sign in Versailles caught my eye. "Au chien qui fume" has been around since 1839.

Versailles, more than a chateau

People think of Versailles as a palace that is only a day trip from Paris, merely my partner and I love to go there for a quick become away. Sometimes we become for a night at the Royal Opera house, in the chateau. Its magical to be in the palace when the lord's day sets and the crowds take long gone. I get a personal thrill visiting the Male monarch's loge during suspension. Marie sabbatum there! Warm summer nights, we'll have a simple picnic in the park, or perchance pamper ourselves on a lavish dinner at Gordon Ramsay's two star eating place in the Trianon Palace hotel where fresh ingredients and pure flavors accept center stage. After an incredibly peaceful dark's sleep at the hotel, we rise to meet that the chateau's gardens are covered in a fine mist, oscuring the ancestors of Marie Antoinette'due south sheep as they graze in her meadows at our feet. Nosotros head out on an 8K run around the One thousand Canal, watching rowers, cyclists and families enjoying the grounds. Breakfast is served on our private deck over looking the chateau. Its a 15 minute stroll to the Marché Notre Dame where the produce is fresher and cheaper than in Paris. More bargains tin can exist found in the antiques quartier a few blocks away, especially if you're in the market for a regal sedan chair or porcelain sleeping room pot. If not, its like a living museum and fun to scan. The Monument Buffet in the quartier St Louis serves a fantastic late brunch using fresh produce from the King'south Gardens across the street, which are a great place to visit, too!

Where Marie Antoinette had Slumber Parties

Versailles is known for its gilded halls, mirrors, chandeliers, countless tapestries etc. But the real eyebrow-raiser is out the dorsum door to the grounds. The pools and greenery proceed for then far y'all literally can't meet the stop of them. As yous wander gravel paths through woods and hedge, pondering what legion of gardeners would have been required to maintain such a affair, you lot eventually stumble upon...the Queen's summer dwelling. On the grounds of her ain mansion. Incomparably less regal, it's where she would come up with her gal pals to Go Away From It All. A few steps further and yous can hang over a fence to scout some docile sheep and funky-horned goats graze--allowing yous to feel you're in the French countryside, even if your trip doesn't take y'all much farther out of Paris than this.


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